This is a gallery of Images by HAS members which were selected to be on the “front cover” of the monthly GuideStar email newsletter. Many of these images were selected by the vote of other HAS astro-imagers to be the HAS astro-image of the month.
Image Description
This Image was featured on the February 2021 cover of the GuideStar. It was the first cover image to be selected HAS Image of the Month by a vote of HAS astro-imagers and other HAS members.
Jeff captured 28.3 hours of HaLRGB data over 6 different nights in November and December 2020.
Jeff captured 28.3 hours of HaLRGB data over 6 different nights in November and December 2020.
Image Title
LDN 1584 Cederblad 51 - Jeff Lepp
Image Description
This awsome image of the Great American Eclipse on August 21, 2017 was captured by HAS member Don Taylor. It was used as a reminder that another eclipse, dubbed the "Great Texas Eclipse" by GuideStar editor Don Selle, will occur on April 8th 2024, only three years from the publication date of this GuideStar issue.
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Total Solar Eclipse Aug 21st 2017
Image Description
This excellent image of the Sunflower Galaxy was captured by HAS member Loyd Overcash and was used for the May 2021 Guidestar cover photo. May is in the middle of "Galaxy Season" and Loyd'e image is a great example of the wonders that can be observed from reasonably dark skies in May.
Image Title
M-63 The Sunflower Galaxy