HAS maintains an email distribution list to support community and discussion between members. An email distribution list is an email arrangement where messages sent by any one subscriber will be received by all subscribers. Traffic on the list is fairly light; expect no more than a few messages per day during high volume periods.
Post a message to the HAS Email List
- Compose a message using the same email address you used when you subscribed
- As a courtesy, sign the email with your real name, first and last if your name is Steve, for example
- Address it to [email protected]
- Send the message
Unsubscribe from the HAS Email List
- To unsubscribe simply click the unsubscribe link included at the bottom of each mail.
Rules and Etiquette
- Limit attachment size to 100kb
- Limit content to discussions that are of interest to most subscribers, which include members of the society, and nonmembers wanting to stay in touch with the society. If your message is intended for a small subset of subscribers, we ask that you use a different method.
- "For Sale" messages, by HAS members of used astronomy related equipment, are permitted. Dealer or commercial sales messages are prohibited.
- Use of obscene or offensive language of any sort is unacceptable. Offenders will be removed from the list.
- Collection of user email addresses for commercial or marketing purposes is prohibited