After some discussion on the listserver, I decided to go ahead and attempt to fit my red plexiglass inside the bezel of my HP laptop. This makes for a very sleek installation. Concerns about light leakage require a very accurate fit. I used my Bosch jigsaw with a 24 tpi bidirectional blade. I used a fence guide to ensure a straight cut. Then I used a "mill smooth" file to knock down the corners of the plexiglass. The results are as I desired. No light leaks. A factory perfect fit. Haven't field tested it yet, but I think it won't need any tape to keep it in place. The only other thing that would cause it to come loose apart from closing the lid, is Bernoulli's principle of lift.
I used the 3M tailight lens repair tape to cover all the LED lighting on my laptop, and made some tabs (not shown) to secure the plexiglass such that I can close the lid and it stays in place. Because this plexiglass is the same thickness as the bezel, there is no risk to screen damage or hinge damage.