Novice Lab at the Dark Site
Join us at the Dark Site for a hands-on course for learning to navigate the night sky. We won’t be able to have everyone share my scope, but if you have a scope of your own I can help you get started, or if not you can just enjoy the dark sky with your binoculars or naked eye and just begin learning your way around the constellations. Make sure as always to bring your red flashlights and insect repellent, but also be sure to bring a folding chair to sit in, and some paper and pen/pencil. Schedule of activities is as follows:
5:30-6:30- detailed presentation on general sky mechanics plus a tour of the constellations
6:30-7:00 - constellation sketching - we will all begin working on the AL's Constellation Hunter program together
7:00-9:30 - time to observe! I will be available to assist anyone to practice locating objects with their scope, my scope, or binoculars.
The program concludes in time for anyone who wishes to leave at the 10 pm light window. But of course, anyone is welcome to stay longer and observe.
Please RSVP to [email protected] so that we know how many people will be there for the class. Clear skies!