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Recruiting HAS Leaders for 2015

Get full details and qualifications from the HAS bylaws, available at the bottom of any page of the website.


1. All elected positions shall be for terms of one-year beginning on January 1, and persons holding elected positions shall continue to serve until their successors are elected.


1. PRESIDENT - The President shall be the chief executive officer of the Houston Astronomical Society; shall preside at all meetings of the Board of Directors and members; shall be responsible for the execution of the policies and programs of the Board; for the administration of the affairs of the Society and shall have authority to execute instruments necessary to carry out these duties.

2. VICE PRESIDENT - The Vice President shall perform such duties as may be assigned from time to time by the Board of Directors or the President. In the event that illness or other disability prohibits the President from performance, the Vice President shall have the powers and perform the duties ordinarily the responsibility of the President.

3. SECRETARY - The Secretary of the Houston Astronomical Society shall keep accurate and complete minutes of meetings of the Board of Directors and of the members; shall give notices of all meetings as required; shall have the usual powers and duties of a Secretary; and shall perform such other duties as may be assigned from time to time by the Board of Directors or the President.

4. TREASURER - The Treasurer of the Houston Astronomical Society shall have general charge and supervision of the books and records of account of the Society and, subject to the direction of the Board of Directors, shall have charge of and be responsible for all cash and securities of the Society. The Treasurer shall have the usual powers and duties of Treasurer, including the power to give receipts for cash, security, or other property delivered to the Society, and the power to disburse funds in accordance with procedures to be established by the Board of Directors, and shall perform such additional duties as may be assigned by the Board of Directors or the President.



1. There shall be the following standing committees:

  • (a) Telescope Committee.
  • (b) Field Trip and Observing Committee.
  • (c) Program Committee.
  • (d) Publicity Committee.
  • (e) Novice Committee.
  • (f) Audit Committee.
  • (g) Observatory Committee.
  • (h) Education Committee.
  • (I) Welcoming Committee

4. Committee Functions

(a) Telescope Committee - shall supervise the acquisition, maintenance and utilization of telescopes and other observational equipment for loan to members in good standing, including appropriate property, accounting for all such equipment owned by the Society.

(b) Field Trip and Observing - shall be responsible for planning and making all arrangements with regard to all Society field trips, including coordinating contacts with all participants. Also shall provide programs that provide educational experience, aid in development of observational skills, and promote observational contribution to organizations serving amateur and professional astronomy.

(c) Program Committee - shall plan a program for each regular meeting.

(d) Publicity Committee - shall publicize the organization, its regular meetings, and events of special interest to the public.

(e) Novice Committee - shall organize programs of particular interest to novices.

(f) Audit Committee -
(1) Shall consist of a chairperson elected by the general membership, one member appointed by the President, and Treasurer.
(2) Shall audit financial records for the Society, including any committee which administers property or is otherwise involved in financial transactions affecting the Society.
(3) Shall report in writing the completed results of the audit to the general membership at the February meeting.
(4) Shall report on the year end that occurs 2 months after the election of the committee at the Annual Meeting.

(g) Observatory Committee -
(1) shall be responsible for the observatory sites, property acquisition, property development, buildings and their contents, rules and regulations governing the use of the site.
(2) shall establish requirements for the authorization of members as users of Society observatory facilities.
(3) shall be responsible for any fund raising activities and all moneys needed for the observatory sites.
(4) must approve the design, construction and location and assess fees as necessary for private observatories on the Society's sites.

(h) Education Committee - shall arrange for activities which educate members of the community concerning astronomy.

(I) Welcoming Committee - shall be responsible for welcoming and orienting members new to the Society, and any activities to welcome members to regular meetings.