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Welcome to Houston Astronomical Society

Fostering the science and art of astronomy through programs that serve our membership and the community. Founded in 1955, Houston Astronomical Society is an active community of enthusiastic amateur and professional astronomers with over 70 years of history in the Houston area. Through education and outreach, our programs promote science literacy and astronomy awareness. We meet via Zoom the first Friday of each month for the General Membership Meeting and the first Thursday of the month for the Novice Meeting. Membership has a variety of benefits, including access to a secure dark site west of Houston, special interest groups that focus on particular areas of astronomy, an active community outreach program, and much more. Joining is simple.

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  • Rich Wilbourn says: This is the Crescent Nebula in Cygnus, NGC6888. I shot about an hour of 2-minute exposures at the HAS Dark Site and the remaining 3 1/2 hours at Casa Vista AirBnB outside of Leakey, Texas.