7:43 AM 3/11/2023 Multiple Saturday evening forecasts show mostly clear!
Event: Messier Mini-Marathon. Log sheets available. Dob Shed Café open. Telescope operator on C14 for viewing Messier objects, planets, Comet C/2022 E3 (ZTF).
Weather: Good sources to check Saturday morning for conditions Saturday night are weather.com, cleardarksky.com, and astrospheric.com. Sunset 6:31pm; moonrise 10:39pm. Multiple Saturday evening forecasts show mostly clear!
Rules: Light windows are 10pm and 12midnight. Light etiquette rules apply.
The Dob Shed Café will be open. Feel free to bring a favorite to share. I've been told I'm bringing a Texas sheet cake. (Hmm, how will I keep the milk cold? Guess I'm bringing ice, too)
The HAS observatory will also be open. Rene will be your telescope operator (TO) running through half the Messier list on the C-14. Stop by to check your observations...or check mine;) I'll also slew to requests; just bring RA & Dec coordinates. Hey, want to try the comet again? We saw it in much worse conditions last month.
Constellation tour at twilight. Joe will be conducting a tour of the skies. Don't miss it if you're new to the night sky. Twilight is a great time for planets and satellites. Log them for your HAS TX45 list.
Why you might want to visit the dark site on partly cloudy nights
- You're new to the club, want to check things out, and it's good weather for overnight camping
- You want to practice setting up your equipment in preparation for clearer skies
- You can look through the observatory C14—the bigger the aperture, the more you can see
- You want a piece of Texas Sheet cake and a glass of milk
See you soon at the dark site!
Rene Gedaly
Field Trip & Observing Chair
Hello, Deep Sky Enthusiasts!
Let's attempt half the Messier list from 7pm - midnight Saturday, March 11 at the HAS dark site. Light windows are 10pm and midnight. Please review your light etiquette rules...
The Dob Shed Café will be open. Bring a favorite to share. I've been told I'm bringing a Texas sheet cake. (Hmm, how will I keep the milk cold? Guess I'm bringing ice, too)
The HAS observatory will also be open. I'll be your telescope operator (TO) running through half the Messier list on the C-14. Stop by to check your observations...or check mine;) I'll also slew to requests; just bring RA & Dec coordinates. Hey, want to try the comet again? We saw it in much worse conditions last month.
Twilight is a great time for planets and satellites. Log them for your HAS TX45 list. Someone (Joe) will no doubt keep us informed of celestial happenings.
Fingers crossed for good weather. We won't cancel unless it's just too cloudy.
Rene Gedaly
Field Trip & Observing Chair