What Members Are Saying.....
- John Benner - My astro images from 2024. Looking forward to 2025 and retirement and being able to image any clear night. I hope everybody has a safe and Happy New Year!
- Joe Khalaf - This was my first astrophoto ever attempted - Mars, at the 2020 Eldorado Star Party. Bill Flanagan was kind enough to give me some pointers on how to stack and do some processing of the image. This was taken with a 12" LX200GPS with a 3X barlow using an ASI224MC (9144mm of focal length!)
- Mike Hooper - Here is M78, OSC broadband. Shot 11-27-24 near Farmington NM. Bortle 2, 5 hours.
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- Mike Hooper - It contains Barnard Loop, NGC 2112 and 2071 and M78. Shot this last night with my Askar FMA180 Pro. 4:30 total with 180 subs. ASI533 MCPro with L-Extreme filter.
- John Benner - The APSIG target of the month. NGC 2237 The Rosette Nebula. since I am out of commission after back surgery on Jan 2. Matt Boerlage was kind enough to send me his narrowband data. I can't thank him enough. Processed in Pixinsight. First image is LSHO. 2nd image was processed in LHSO.